Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Natural allergy solution

I don't know why I never thought of this prior to reading an article in a natural health magazine. But this makes total sense.

Honey and Beeswax for relief from allergy symptoms.

Eat a small spoonful of. Here's the kicker. Local honey. Because bees collect the pollen and the dander from local plants and allergens and use that to produce their honey and beeswax. So ingesting a small amount daily, over time is like getting allergy shots. Burn the beeswax candles in your bedroom since that is where you spend a great portion of your time at home. Of course blow them out before you go to bed.

I'm going to start doing the honey part tomorrow and get the beeswax candles this weekend. Although winters around here are pretty rough on the pollen i am going to be proactive !!!!!